I feel like the one and only Samantha Jones from Sex and the City has been preparing me for this for years. Thanks to the struggles of many women, societal expectations like finding a partner by a certain age or getting married have started to shift. We are free to live life on our own terms. If, this Valentine’s Day, you want to be your own Valentine, The Better Normal is here to cheer you on.
We are the first person we see when we wake up and the last person we see before going to sleep. Our relationship with ourselves matters. That’s why today, we’re focusing on how to improve that relationship. For all the Samanthas out there, this one’s for you!
Love Is In The Air
Engagement proposals, teddy bears in the windows, heart-shaped decorations in every store… Valentine’s Day is definitely in the air, and whether you’re into it or not, it can sometimes be hard to ignore. That’s why The Better Normal has an idea that’ll change your perspective: date yourself.
Have you ever had a date with yourself? It’s the best. No one interrupts, you do what you like, and you do it exactly the way you like it. Trust me, it’s an experience worth having. But we shouldn’t just save this idea for Valentine’s Day. I truly believe that having a date with yourself every now and then is something we all need.
If you’re planning to treat yourself to a date this Valentine’s Day, here are a few ideas:
- Binge-watch your comfort movies
- Eat your favorite food
- Use the day to catch up on things you’ve been putting off
- Open a bottle of your favorite wine
- Make a delicious dessert and eat as much as you want
- Buy and use a face mask
- Do whatever feels right—even if it’s a little weird!
All You Need is Self-Love
When we make decisions from a place of self-love, we are taking care of ourselves. Our relationship with ourselves is the most important one because it will shape all of our other relationships in life. I know that many of our readers are already on the self-love journey, but it’s especially hard around these times. That’s why it’s always good to pamper ourselves, give ourselves a hug, and embrace self-love.
Here are 5 affirmations to keep in mind this Valentine’s Day:
- “I’m worthy of all the love, from others and from myself.”
- “I embrace my quirks because they make me, me.”
- “Taking time for myself is not just okay, it’s necessary.”
- “I’m getting stronger and more confident every day.”
- “I am enough, just as I am, and that’s something to be proud of.”
It’s Just Another Day
Let’s say what we’re all thinking: it’s just another day. Yes, it’s the excuse many brands use to push sales, and for couples to celebrate. But ultimately, Valentine’s Day is just another day on the calendar. We still have work to do, kids to take to school, meals to cook, and our regular routines to follow.
I know that some days, as a single person, can feel harder than others. That’s why I’m sharing some reminders with you today, ones to hold onto, especially on Valentine’s Day:
- Everything passes. Even Valentine’s Day.
- Not everything we see on social media is real.
- Love means a LOT of things. You get to choose what that looks like.
- You don’t need a partner to feel special—you’re already enough!
- It’s okay if today feels a little weird—tomorrow’s a fresh start.
- You don’t need to be “in love” to love yourself. You’re doing great.
- If you’re not feeling the V-Day hype, that’s okay. Take the day for YOU.
- Keep in mind: you’re a whole vibe, with or without roses.
It’s Friday I’m in Love–With Myself!
When we make peace with the idea that we should accept ourselves just as we are, life feels lighter. I’m not going to lie—it’s not always easy. The path to authentic, lasting, meaningful self-love takes hard work.
So, how do we rebuild our relationship with ourselves? It starts with embracing the most authentic parts of our soul. The real us—not the version we show to society, on social media, or the one we once dreamed we could be. Right here, right now, this is the best version of ourselves.
In the end, self-love is about showing up for yourself every day. Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other day of the year, treat yourself with the same care, respect, and love you’d give to someone else. Because you, dear one, deserve it.
Lastly, in this post, Dr. Laura Berman shares some tips to navigate this emotional time and turn it into an opportunity for growth, check it out:
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