No matter what your plans are this Valentine’s Day, one thing is clear: self-love comes first. Always. This day is all about moving toward that “better you” we’re always talking about here at The Better Normal. By focusing on self-love, you’re honoring yourself, no matter what’s happening around you. Whether you’re single, in a relationship, or anywhere in between, today is about making time for YOU and celebrating the love you deserve.
And let’s be honest, we know these holidays can be tough for many of us. So, we’ve simplified it for you: here are 10 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with yourself. You can always invite your friends to join in too, of course! 😉
1. Take the Day Off
When was the last time you took a day off just for yourself? I mean truly took a day off. If it’s possible, give yourself the gift of time—take the day to yourself. If that’s not feasible, make sure to turn off your work phone and computer and focus on you, even if it’s just for a few hours. The most important thing is to relax and unwind.
We live in a world where productivity and success often take precedence over relaxation and self-care. So today, let’s choose to disconnect from work and prioritize ourselves. Here are some reminders for this Valentine’s Day:
- Turn off your phone notifications
- Forget about your to-do list
- Say “no” to things that drain you
- Use this time to connect with your inner self
- Your well-being is more important than anything else
2. Relax and Unwind
Take a real breather. Open that bottle of wine, put on a face mask, and enjoy the fact that there’s absolutely no need to do anything. You can meditate, use some aromatherapy, or work with crystals—whatever feels good for you. I know we live in a society that constantly celebrates productivity, but allow yourself the luxury of rest. Stop for a moment and think about how you’re feeling today. Just be present. Especially on Valentine’s Day, a time when we may be tempted to keep up with expectations, it’s crucial to pause and just breathe.
Listen! Don’t feel guilty for taking a break. Whether it’s for 10 minutes or a few hours, this time is for YOU. When you’re well-rested, you’ll show up stronger, happier, and more present for everything else in your life.
3. Treat Yourself to Flowers
This could be flowers, chocolates, or anything that makes you feel special. Personally, I’m a huge fan of flowers, but none of my past boyfriends ever gave me any. So, I decided to start buying them for myself—and now I absolutely love it. I also enjoy picking fresh flowers from my garden.
Have you ever heard of Earth Altars? We interviewed Prue Rustean, founder of Earth Altering. She created the most beautiful Earth Altars–delicate arrangements of flowers, leaves, and stones that became her way of sending prayers into the universe. Learn more about this practice here.
4. Honor Your Spiritual Self
Do you ever feel like your spiritual side gets lost in the hustle and bustle of daily life? I know I do. Sometimes, it’s harder than other days to connect with that part of myself. That’s why it’s important to find small moments throughout the day to reconnect with your spirituality.
If you can, spend some time praying or visiting a place that helps you connect with your higher self—whether that’s a church, sanctuary, or just somewhere that brings peace to your soul. Remember, this Valentine’s Day YOU make the rules!
5. Gratitude Journaling
Gratitude journaling is one of those practices that you can really make part of your daily life. And once you start, it’s something you’ll keep doing. You’ll love it. It’s all about writing down the things you’re grateful for in a journal or even on your phone.
Not sure where to start? Try these questions to kick things off:
- What am I thankful for today?
- What makes me smile today?
- What people am I grateful for today?
PS: Make sure you follow us on Instagram to check our Weekly Challenges that will help you stay connected with your journey of self-love and growth:
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6. Girls Night In
Our friends are like our second family—they’re the ones who are always there for us, especially in tough times. So, if you’re not feeling like spending Valentine’s Day alone, throw a singles-only gathering with your friends!
Here are some fun ideas for your girls’ night:
- Movie marathon
- Drinks and dancing
- Taco night
- Color-themed party
7. Cook Your Favorite Meal
What’s better than cooking your favorite meal for yourself? Find a recipe that inspires you and treat yourself to a delicious dinner! Cooking for yourself can be an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s not just about the food; it’s about nurturing yourself and taking time to create something that brings you joy.
Not only does cooking for yourself provide nourishment for your body, but it also feeds your soul. There’s something uniquely satisfying about enjoying the meal you’ve created, right? You don’t have to follow any rules—this is your time to make something that you’ll truly enjoy. Have fun with it! Experiment with flavors and prepare your go-to favorite. Take the time to set the table, light a candle, or even make it an intimate moment with your favorite music or a cozy show in the background.
8. Movie Night
When I need a pick-me-up, I watch One Day and cry myself to sleep. Yes, I said it. Maybe it’s not One Day that you’re craving, but a good old-fashioned movie with popcorn is always a win. We all know how comforting it can be to curl up with some popcorn and get lost in a good film. Whether you’re in the mood for a tearjerker, a rom-com, or something a little more adventurous, movie nights are a great way to unwind and have some “me-time.”
Make the night truly special—treat yourself to your favorite snacks (chips, chocolate, ice cream… or all of the above), create a cozy atmosphere with blankets and pillows, and enjoy the feeling of indulging in something just for you.
9. Visit Your Favorite Bar
After all, Valentine’s Day falls on a Friday this year, which means it’s the perfect opportunity to step out and have some fun on your own terms! There’s something magical about heading out solo to your favorite bar, enjoying a drink, and embracing the night without any expectations. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, having a solo night out can be liberating and empowering.
Sometimes we forget that enjoying the simple things in life—like a good cocktail or a refreshing drink—can be a great way to unwind. You don’t have to go with anyone to have a good time. It’s a great way to treat yourself, meet new people if you feel like it, or simply enjoy the atmosphere. Go to a bar where you feel comfortable—whether it’s a quiet pub with your favorite playlist or a trendy spot with fancy cocktails. Sometimes, the best nights are the ones where we allow ourselves to embrace the vibe, relax, and enjoy the present.
10. Send a Love Message to a Friend
Sometimes, all we really need is a heartfelt message from a friend or family member. Love isn’t just about romance. Women love deeply—whether it’s for ourselves, our friends, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, dogs, or even our favorite TV characters!
So sit down, write that love letter to someone special in your life, and send it to them. You could make someone’s day brighter 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day community! We love you all!